Victor Library

Victor Library Overview

The VICTOR library is, at its core, a collection of convenient custom functions for downloading, accessing, manipulating, and visualizing datum that are vital to a volcano scientist’s research. As more models and wider functionality are added, the VICTOR library will grow.

Plotting Model Outputs

def plot_dem(dem, fig, ax, coords=None)

dem: The relative or absolute filepath to DEM. Must be an ascii shapefile or GeoTIFF format, as georeferencing is necessary for proper formatting.

fig: A matplotlib.figure object. This is the complete plot, both within the axes and outside. Example use case: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))

ax: A matplotlib.axes object. This is the area concerning the data itself, as well as labels, titles, and the like. ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.epsg(32628))

coords: Optional parameter to add coordinates. If adding more than one set, provide in [[x_1,y_1],[x_2,y_2],…] format in multidimensional array.

def plot_flow(dem, flow, fig, ax, coords,zoom=True,model=None, label="Thickness of residual (m)"):

dem: The relative or absolute filepath to DEM. Must be an ASCII shapefile or GeoTIFF format, as georeferencing is necessary for proper formatting.

flow: The relative or absolute file path to the flow data. Can be ASCII, geoTIFF, or csv formatted (without headers).

fig: A matplotlib.figure object. This is the complete plot, both within the axes and outside. Example use case: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))

ax: A matplotlib.axes object. This is the area concerning the data itself, as well as labels, titles, and the like. ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.epsg(32628))

coords: Optional parameter to add coordinates. If adding more than one set, provide in [[x_1,y_1],[x_2,y_2],…] format in multidimensional array.

zoom: Optional parameter to toggle between close-up view around flow only, and view at the scale of the overall raster.

model: Optional parameter, can be ignored unless using MrLavaLoba model, where this should be set to “mrlavaloba” to account for a slight variation in formatting.

label: Optional parameter to set the label for the color map in the plot, defaults to description of flow thickness.

def plot_titan(dem, flow, fig, ax, coords,zoom=True):

dem: The relative or absolute filepath to DEM. Must be in geoTIFF format, as georeferencing is necessary for proper formatting.

flow: Must be a Pandas dataframe.

fig: A matplotlib.figure object. This is the complete plot, both within the axes and outside. Example use case: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))

ax: A matplotlib.axes object. This is the area concerning the data itself, as well as labels, titles, and the like. ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.epsg(32628))

coords: Optional parameter to add coordinates. If adding more than one set, provide in [[x_1,y_1],[x_2,y_2],…] format in multidimensional array.

zoom: Optional parameter to toggle between close-up view around flow only, and view at the scale of the overall raster.

def make_titan_gif(dem, fig, ax, coords, max_iter, diter, gif_name):

dem: The relative or absolute filepath to DEM. Must be in geoTIFF format, as georeferencing is necessary for proper formatting.

fig: A matplotlib.figure object. This is the complete plot, both within the axes and outside. Example use case: fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))

ax: A matplotlib.axes object. This is the area concerning the data itself, as well as labels, titles, and the like. ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.epsg(32628))

coords: Optional parameter to add coordinates. If adding more than one set, provide in [[x_1,y_1],[x_2,y_2],…] format in multidimensional array.

max_iter: The maximium number of iterations provided by the user in Titan2D.

diter: The number of iterations between outputs, set by the user in the Titan2D input file.

gif_name: The name used to save the gif to your current directory.

Upload/Download from the Cloud

def download_file_gcp(bucket_name, source_blob_name, destination_file_name, api_creds_json):

bucket_name: The name of the Google Cloud bucket that you would like to access.

source_blob_name: The name of the file you would like to download from the bucket.

destination_file_name: The name you would like the file to have when it is downloaded locally.

api_creds_json: The relative or absolute path to the JSON file with the user’s credentials. To obtain this file , refer to this documentation from Google. . Make sure the IAM API is active, and follow the directions linked.

def upload_file_gcp(bucket_name, source_file_name, destination_blob_name,api_cred_json):

bucket_name: The name of the Google Cloud bucket that you would like to access.

source_file_name: The name of the local file that you would like to upload to the specified bucket.

destination_blob_name: The name you would like the file to have when it is uploaded.

api_creds_json: The relative or absolute path to the JSON file with the user’s credentials. To obtain this file , refer to this documentation from Google. . Make sure the IAM API is active, and follow the directions linked.

def download_file_aws(access_key, secret_access_key, bucket_name, blob_name, file_name, session_token=None):

access_key and secret_access_key: These are unique identifiers for your AWS root or IAM account. Refer to instructions here to learn how to get these identifiers.

bucket_name: The name of the S3 bucket that you would like to access.

blob_name: The name of the file you would like to download from the bucket.

file_name: The name you would like the file to have when it is downloaded locally.

session_token: An optional field, used for time-limited access to a bucket. Recommended only for advanced users, or those familar with AWS.

def upload_file_aws(access_key, secret_access_key, bucket_name, blob_name, file_name, session_token=None):

access_key and secret_access_key: These are unique identifiers for your AWS root or IAM account. Refer to instructions here to learn how to get these identifiers.

bucket_name: The name of the S3 bucket that you would like to access.

blob_name: The name the file should have when uploaded to the S3 bucket.

file_name: The name (and path if not in the current directory) of the local file to upload.

session_token: An optional field, used for time-limited access to a bucket. Recommended only for advanced users, or those familar with AWS.

def download_from_azure(conn_string, container_name, blob_name, local_file_name)

conn_string: A unique identifer to connect to an Azure storage. Refer to Microsoft’s documentation for information on how to get your connection string.

container_name: The name of the Azure storage module that you would like to access.

blob_name: The name of the file you would like to download from Azure storage.

local_file_name: The name you would like the file to have when downloaded locally.

def upload_to_azure(conn_string, container_name, blob_name, local_file_name)

conn_string: A unique identifer to connect to an Azure storage. Refer to Microsoft’s documentation for information on how to get your connection string.

container_name: The name of the Azure storage module that you would like to access.

blob_name: The name you would like the uploaded file to have in Azure storage.

local_file_name: The name (and path if not in the current directory) of the local file that should be uploaded.

Download DEMs

def download_dem(north, south, east, west, outputFormat, dataset)

north: Upper bound for latitude.

south: Lower bound for latitude.

east: Right bound for longitude.

west: Left bound for longitude.

outputFormat: Allows you to request either an ASCII shapefile (AAIGrid) or GeoTIFF (GTiff) formatted DEM.

dataset: Allows you to choose from different DEM providers. This allows for for varying resolutions, as well as alternatives in case of missing data. Additionally, some of the datasets include bathymetry, or unique coverage. The sets are defined as: SRTMGL3, SRTMGL1, SRTMGL1_E, AW3D30, AW3D30_E, SRTM15Plus, NASADEM, COP30, COP90, EU_DTM.

def download_dem_utm(north, zone_north, south, zone_south, east, zone_east, west, zone_west, outputFormat, dataset):

north: Upper bound for northing in UTM.

zone_north: UTM zone for the upper bound northing coordinate, format as a string with the number, then the letter, i.e. “10S”

south: Lower bound for northing in UTM.

zone_south: UTM zone for the lower bound northing coordinate.

east: Right bound for easting in UTM.

zone_west: UTM zone for the right bound easting coordinate.

west: Left bound for easting in UTM.

zone_west: UTM zone for the left bound easting coordinate.

outputFormat: Allows you to request either an ASCII shapefile (AAIGrid) or GeoTIFF (GTiff) formatted DEM.

dataset: Allows you to choose from different DEM providers. This allows for for varying resolutions, as well as alternatives in case of missing data. Additionally, some of the datasets include bathymetry, or unique coverage. The sets are defined as: SRTMGL3, SRTMGL1, SRTMGL1_E, AW3D30, AW3D30_E, SRTM15Plus, NASADEM, COP30, COP90, EU_DTM.

def search_opentopo(minx, maxx, miny, maxy, detail=False,federated=True):

minx: leftmost longitude bound of AOI

maxx: rightmost longitude bound of AOI

miny: lowest latitude bound of AOI

maxy: highest latitude bound of API

details: optional, toggle to show detailed metadata

federated: optional, toggle to ignore non federated datasets, such as USGS.

def dem_to_utm(infile, outfile=None):

infile: relative or aboslute path to DEM

outfile: Optional string to save new file to, will overwrite original otherwise.

north: north latitude bound of AOI

south: south latitude bound of AOI

east: east longitude bound of AOI

west: west longitude bound of AOI outputFormat: select from: [ascii, tif]. Selecting ascii or geotiff format for file res: choose resolution of DEM:

‘1m’ - 1 meter ‘10m’ - 10 meter ‘30m’ - 30 meter

Utility Functions

def search_volcano(name):

name: name of the volcano the user wants geographic data on

def convert_molasses(output_name):

output_name: name of output ascii file for MOLASSES data